Myself and an Intro into the World of eSports

Hi and Welcome to The World of Simulation Racing!

My name is Zion Gallant, and I am currently a Junior here at Texas State majoring in Mass Communications with an interest in digital media. I’m originally from California, however, I moved to Luling, Texas in 2016. I wanted to start this site as an introduction into what eSports are and why I mainly focus on Sim Racing as a hobby that I only recently got into. I began to develop a passion for racing just a few years ago, with a particular interest for European racing theaters such as GT and Formula 1. Only a short while later did I gain an interest into the world of eSports (and especially Sim Racing) and realized how engaging and competitive this actually was…

Image credit: Formula 1/ Codemasters

…So what is an eSport?

Esports, eSport, or e-Sports, whichever way you slice it, boils down to one word: “Competitive Gaming”. Amateur and Professional gamer’s compete online across numerous platforms (PC, Xbox, PlayStation) playing a number of titles that provide tournaments for the very best of players to hash it out over fame and glory, and especially large cash pools. What’s great about eSports is that it is a global sport, largely founded on a diverse culture that is generally accessible to anyone with a broadband internet connection and a gaming platform.

Although this topic is vast, I hope to simplify this overwhelming world by narrowing it down to Sim Racing, a collective term for computer software that attempts to simulate real-world Motorsport. Many video game nowadays allow players to “simulate” driving, which is designed to be easily accessible for novices.

Sim Racing software will more accurately mimic the effects of tire traction, suspension spring rates, etc. Because of the accurate physics being replicated in the Sim Racing software, the cars are not as forgiving when the driver pushes the car beyond its limits as they would be in the more popular video games.

There are many different games out there that try to come as close as humanly possible to this goal – more than I could ever cover – so my goal for this blog and its readers are to focus on two of my chosen favorites as a base… GT Sport and F1 2019.

I look forward to seeing all of you (my readers) on the Racetrack!

Shown below is one of my favorite racing competitions to watch…the FIA Gran Turismo World Tour. Below is one of the most recent competitions to take place for the 2020 season in Sydney, Australia.

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