
Welcome to The World of Sim Racing.

Welcome to the site! This page will contain all the latest info about the ins and outs of the e-sports world related to simulation racing, both GT and Formula 1.

Latest from the Blog

A Reflection, and a Farewell…

It feels like its been a long journey writing these articles, all the while I know its been only a few weeks. This has been my first foray into blogging and content creation for a website, and I have to say I have really enjoyed my experience in learning how to write in an alternative…

GT Sport, The Future of Sim Racing

As my readers know, I focus a lot on the world of Gran Turismo and F1 Racing. However, I believe that the way forward for the future of Sim Racing eSports has already been achieved, and the top of the podium is the FIA Gran Turismo Sport Championships. The Gran Turismo Championships (GTC) is a…

The Ins and Outs of Racing Game Development

Game development has accelerated by leaps and bounds due to the advancement of technology and graphical fidelity. As games have become an integral part of our daily lives, it has become more important for the quality to become even better, as gamer’s expect the best when it comes to real-world simulation. As there are many…

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